
Selected Papers

  1. Local 2-separators, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Volume 156, 2022, Pages 101-144, pdf
  2. Canonical decompositions of 3-connected graphs (with J. Kurkofka), FOCS 2023, 50 pages; pdf
  3. Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space, pages 91, Preprint; pdf
  4. All graphs have tree-decompositions displaying their topological ends, Combinatorica, Volume 39 (2019), pages 545-596; pdf
  5. Graph Theory - A Survey on the Occasion of the Abel Prize for László Lovász, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung volume 124, pages 83-108 (2022); pdf

Full list

  1. Towards a Stallings-type theorem for finite groups (with G. Kontogeorgiou, J. Kurkofka, W. Turner), Preprint; pdf
  2. How to apply tree decomposition ideas in large networks? (with S. Frenkel), Preprint; pdf
  3. Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space, Preprint; pdf
  4. Canonical decompositions of 3-connected graphs (with J.Kurkofka), FOCS 2023, 50 pages; pdf
  5. Characterising 4-tangles through a connectivity property (with J.Kurkofka), Preprint; pdf
  6. Graph Theory - A Survey on the Occasion of the Abel Prize for László Lovász, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung volume 124, pages 83-108 (2022); pdf
  7. Dual matroids of 2-complexes -- revisited, Preprint; pdf
  8. On Andreae's Ubiquity Conjecture, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 162, pages 68-70 (2023); pdf
  9. Entanglements (with J. Kurkofka), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 164, pages 17-28 (2024); pdf
  10. A characterisation of 3-colourable 3-dimensional triangulations (with E. Nevinson and B. Saunders), Preprint; pdf
  11. Outerspatial 2-complexes: Extending the class of outerplanar graphs to three dimensions (with T. Mihaylov), Preprint; pdf
  12. A Whitney type theorem for surfaces: characterising graphs with locally planar embeddings, Preprint; pdf
  13. Characterising graphs with no subdivision of a wheel of bounded diameter, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Volume 161, Pages 21-51 (2023); pdf
  14. Local 2-separators, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Volume 156, 2022, Pages 101-144, pdf
  15. Large highly connected subgraphs in graphs with linear average degree, Preprint; pdf
  16. New Constructions related to the Polynomial Sphere Recognition Problem (with L. Lichev), Discret. Comput. Geom., volume 67, 2022, pages 1097-1123; pdf
  17. Canonical trees of tree-decompositions (with M. Hamann and B. Miraftab), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Volume 152, 2022, Pages 1-26; pdf
  18. The Almost Intersection Property for Pairs of Matroids on Common Groundset (with N. Bowler, S. Ghaderi and J. Wojciechowski), The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Pages 3-5 (2020); pdf
  19. Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space I, Preprint; pdf
  20. Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space II, Preprint; pdf
  21. Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space III, Preprint; pdf
  22. Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space IV, Preprint; pdf
  23. Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space V, Preprint; pdf
  24. On tree-decompositions of one-ended graphs (with F. Lehner & R. Möller), Math. Nachrichten 292.3: Pages 524-539 (2019); pdf
  25. A Liouville hyperbolic souvlaki (with B. Federici & A. Georgakopoulos), Electron. J. Probab., Volume 22 (2017), paper no. 36, 19 pages; pdf
  26. The colouring number of infinite graphs (with N. Bowler, P. Komjáth & C. Reiher), Combinatorica, Volume 39, Pages 1225-1235 (2019); pdf
  27. A short proof that every finite graph has a tree-decomposition displaying its tangles, European J. Combin. 58 (2016), 61-65; pdf
  28. Canonical tree-decompositions of a graph that display its k-blocks (with Pascal Gollin), J. Combin. Theory Ser. B , Volume 122 (2017), Pages 1-20; pdf
  29. Reconstruction of infinite matroids from their 3-connected minors (with N. Bowler & L. Postle), European J. Combin. (2018), volume 67, pages 126-144; pdf
  30. Every planar graph with the Liouville property is amenable (with Agelos Georgakopoulos), Random Structures & Algorithms 57.3: Pages 706-729 (2020); pdf
  31. All graphs have tree-decompositions displaying their topological ends, Combinatorica, Volume 39 (2019), pages 545-596; pdf
  32. Topological cycle matroids of infinite graphs, European J. Combin, Volume 60 (2017), Pages 135-150; pdf
  33. Infinite trees of matroids (with Nathan Bowler), Preprint; pdf
  34. On the intersection conjecture for infinite trees of matroids (with Nathan Bowler), Preprint; pdf
  35. Even an infinite bureaucracy eventually makes a decision, Preprint; pdf
  36. Topological infinite gammoids, and a new Menger-type theorem for infinite graphs, Electron. J. Combin. 25(2018), no. 3, paper 3.38, 22pp; pdf
  37. Infinite graphic matroids Part I (with Nathan Bowler & Robin Christian), Combinatorica (2018), volume 38, issue 2, pages 305-339; pdf
  38. Edge-disjoint double rays in infinite graphs: a Halin type result (with Nathan Bowler & Julian Pott), J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 111 (2015), 1-16; pdf
  39. The ubiquity of Psi-matroids (with Nathan Bowler), Preprint; pdf
  40. Infinite Matroids and Determinacy of Games (with Nathan Bowler), Preprint; pdf
  41. Canonical tree-decompositions of finite graphs II. Essential parts (with R. Diestel, M. Hamann & F. Hundertmark), J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 118 (2016), 268-283; pdf
  42. Canonical tree-decompositions of finite graphs I. Existence and algorithms (with R. Diestel, M. Hamann & F. Hundertmark), J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 116 (2016), 1-24; pdf
  43. k-Blocks: a connectivity invariant for graphs (with R. Diestel, M. Hamann & F. Hundertmark), SIAM J. Discrete Math. , 28-4 (2014), pp. 1876-1891; pdf
  44. An excluded minors method for infinite matroids (with Nathan Bowler), J. Combin. Theory Ser. B (2018), volume 128, pp. 104-113; pdf
  45. Matroid intersection, base packing and base covering for infinite matroids (with Nathan Bowler), Combinatorica 35 (2015), no. 2, 153-180; pdf
  46. Matroids with an infinite circuit-cocircuit intersection (with Nathan Bowler), J. Combin. Theory Ser. B (2014), volume 107, 78-91; pdf
  47. On the intersection of infinite matroids (with Elad Aigner-Horev & Jan-Oliver Fröhlich), Discrete Mathematics (2018), volume 341, issue 6, pages 1582-1596; pdf
  48. Connectivity and tree-structure in finite graphs (with Reinhard Diestel, Fabian Hundertmark & Maya Stein), Combinatorica 34 (2014) , 11-46; pdf
  49. A characterization of the locally finite networks admitting non-constant harmonic functions of finite energy, Potential Analysis 37 (2012), 229-245; pdf

Habilitation (2018)

  • Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space, and further results on infinite graphs and matroids; pdf

Dissertation (2015)

  • Tree-decompositions in finite and infinite graphs; pdf

Master thesis (2012)

  • A characterization of the locally finite networks admitting non-constant harmonic functions of finite energy; pdf